Drunk Girls 0001

  • 30:08
  • 05 Dec, 24
  • 1.6K Просмотров

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У нас было несколько просьб о создании сборника сцен с участием только пьяных девушек. Хорошая идея, и за прошедшие годы было создано несколько таких клипов.


JohnBull 06 Dec, 24
This gave me such a hard-on...
I always loved watching drunken girls pee because they lose all their inhibitions and squat in public, showing off their beautiful, beautiful asses and pussies. Wait till the end of this video to see a wasted girl who peed so long because there's just so much beer held in her bladder! Drunk girls are the best because they really drank a lot, which is really appealing for voyeur watchers. Also, they're super cute! Thank you so much, Peeing-Outdoors producers! Keep up the good work.