Cute Black Girl Holding Her Crotch

  • 2:31
  • 05 Mar, 25
  • 288 Просмотров

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Молодая чернокожая девушка держит свою промежность в очереди в туалет. Не в силах больше терпеть, она вбегает в ресторан, умоляя о туалете. Но прежде чем ее впустят, она должна заплатить и расплатиться наличными.


Whitefanguk 08 Mar, 25
An interesting clip from the Notting hill Carnival which starts with the lady queuing to pay to use a restaurant toilet. She is clearly bursting by her leg crossing and crotch holding and this becomes more apparent as time ticks along. She looks frantically down the queue and decides she can't wait any longer before leaving and heading into another restaurant. The clip ends with her sitting down rummaging for the money to pay before being allowed entry. A nice, short clip.