Келси: Поход по магазинамБеверли: Телефонный звонокКелси: Конкурс на проведение конкурсаБеверли: Lost & Longing to PeeKelsey: A Pee in the ParkBeverly: Порыв на шоссеКелси: Конкурс на удержание (вторая сцена)Николь: Конкурс на удержание
Another nice collection. I love the phone call and the one in the car. Really nice acted! I think she's the best I love her. The filming view is perfect and in my opinion it's one of the best collections I've seen so far. I would really recommend this video! I am looking forward to see something new like this
The filming view is perfect and in my opinion it's one of the best collections I've seen so far. I would really recommend this video! I am looking forward to see something new like this