Снятые в реальных условиях, полчаса неподготовленного, нарастающего отчаяния. Возьмите попкорн и представьте себя сидящим в комнате вместе с ней. Интересно, дойдет ли она до конца упражнения или намочит свой красивый адидасовский наряд. Сможете ли вы расслабиться и посмотреть все это?
Calling this one out to all other enthusiasts for being the gem that it is
I have no idea what the producer told this girl but she was not expecting to be in this situation, which makes the desperation all the more genuine and amazing
I do not want to give too many details because the escalation in this video is great - see for yourself
Calling this one out to all other enthusiasts for being the gem that it is
I have no idea what the producer told this girl but she was not expecting to be in this situation, which makes the desperation all the more genuine and amazing
I do not want to give too many details because the escalation in this video is great - see for yourself
10/10 would recommend